Myoreflex Therapy - experienced biography
Kurt und Reiner Mosetter

Dieses englische Buch über Myoreflextherapie ist zusammengefasst aus den Büchern Myoreflextherapie Band 1 & 2 mit zusätzlichen neuesten Erkenntnissen und speziellen Themenabschnitten.
"It has long been recognized that the living human organism is not merely a construct assembled from individual components, but rather constitutes an integrated unit that can only achieve on-going balance in the presence of the cooperative interplay of all parts of the body. In the end, the practical pathway provided by Myoreflex Therapy can serve as a form of self-healing for all the fragmentary forms of understanding that our textbook knowledge has imposed upon us."
Prof. Dr. Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt
"In Myoreflex Therapy, one can palpably feel the soul of the music and musical movement produced by the wonderful instrument of a soulful body; it is the bearer of harmonic and melodious movement, of dissonances and their resolution, and of perpetual renewal."
Prof. Dr. Gottfried Fischer
Vesalius Verlag, Konstanz 2018
290 Seiten
Preis: 80,- €
ISBN 978-3-934952-28-7
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